August 30, 2016

Theo is 5 Months Old!

Big Events 
  • 7/30 - 4 Months old
  • 8/2 - 4mo Well Visit
  • 8/3 - Family pictures with Libby
  • 8/10 - Found thumb
  • 8/30 - 5 Months old

Daily Schedule: 
Your day starts when you have your first morning bottle at 6:30. Then usually back to sleep. Mom gets you ready and we go downstairs to eat and play by 9:30. At 11:30, you eat and take a big nap until about 2:30. Back downstairs to eat, snuggle, see Dad and maybe run errands as a family. A snooze from 4-5 either in the crib or in the Ergo, then more play time until bath and bedtime at about 7.

Things I Love:
  • Mortimer the moose
  • Mom shaking her bangs
  • "bubba-bubba-bubba" and peek a boo, 
  • Being outside (especially watching the trees)
  • Talking with Mom and Dad

This Month's Milestones:
  • Starting to sit unassisted
  • Holds weight to "stand"
  • Sucking thumb
  • Put Paci in mouth 

Highlights of the Month:
  • 0-3m clothes can still fit snuggly, but 3m is best. Still hanging out in size 2 diapers. 
  • He now recognizes and kicks excitedly for bottle. He can hold it himself but prefers to hold the hand holding the bottle - tightly. 
  • Theo got really jealous when we all sat at table for meals, so now he gets to sit in his high chair for dinner. We tried giving him a bite of Mom's baked sweet potato at Texas Roadhouse - but he spit it all out immediately. Guess we'll wait for a while longer to try solids. 
  • You still sleep like a rock star. You've started napping in the crib in the nursery but still sleep in the pnp at night. 
  • Everyone else spent the first week sick, but you avoided it all, even after 4 month shots had your immune system on overtime. Our family pictures magically don't look like it too! 
  • Auntie Mitsa was in the state all month. Nana and Papa visited and brought your grandma blanket. We also went to MV for family pictures and you rocked them!
  • The summer Olympics were this month - trampoline gymnastics were enthralling. 
  • Lily is working on learning full (big) names. She now only calls Theo "Thee-doh"
  • You love to snuggle and it makes Mom's heart so happy

Photo by Libby Asay

Photo by Libby Asay

Photo by Libby Asay

Photo by Libby Asay